A Blast From the Past

A Blast From the Past
Here is an Oldie Goldie - Northeast Airlines Conviar 240.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Ole' Colleagues

Here's a short story for ya,

Well I was just laying around the house these few past evenings; yeah I'm still nursing that stubborn head cold. Anyway, idle hands are dangerous as you know, so here's my short story.

Last month I began teaching a Human Factors course to the AIRBUS pilots of the San Francisco base, and in one of my very first classes, there was a colleague of mine from Eastern Airlines sitting in attendance that day.

Now, some of you who follow the life and times of a Safety may have heard me say this before, but there aren't too many Eastern guys left at UAL, so I just had to get a picture of fellow United Airlines A320 Captain Tim Donohue. Let me just say right off the bat; he is an awesome guy and didn't seem to mind this "wet behind the ears" younger buck trying to facilitate Human Factors and Change Review to a well seasoned airline veteran like himself.  According to Tim, and a few other Eastern folk at United; I may very well be the last EAL pilot to leave United if/when they say I must go from the cockpit. It's suppose to be 65, but who knows for sure anymore by the time I get there.

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