A Blast From the Past

A Blast From the Past
Here is an Oldie Goldie - Northeast Airlines Conviar 240.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

New Acquisition of Hardware - Sometimes, not always better

Good day Safety Pilot Follower's

This little article is about the difference between Old & New Airline Hardware. Hardware is the stuff (we) pilots wear on our shirts, Jacket, and The Hat. Over the years, I've collected a few, mostly from the airlines that employed me. I've also acquired a few from the occasional Airline Show and from my Dad's Airline Career.

Below is a smattering of what the Ole' stuff use to look like, it had style. I know that may be my opinion, but you have to admit it,... doesn't that look COOL!       

Below is an example of New Hardware. Now don't get me wrong, I can appreciate that times have changed and with that, there are going to be changes. And some may be harder to accept than others. I just think the Old Stuff had more Style and Identity to it,... just my opinion of course.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Rob Hunter Completes AIRBUS IOE

Well, I pulled this out of my camera the other day and have been wanting to post it up on my blog. I haven't posted anything up recently as I've been quite busy working, which you can tell.

So, here we have a picture of Captain Rob Hunter (ex EAL & PAA) and I after successfully completing his IOE on the AIRBUS 320 (7/08/14). This is his second time at command, as he was a Guppy Capt'in before UAL got rid of them all. Rob is an ole' buddy of mine from my EAL, and PAA days, we were hired at both airlines around the same time. I was honored that he asked if I would do his IOE on the AIRBUS.  He did an awesome job, of course!   

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Take a look at this posting

This may seem a little unusual, but Please got to my Blog List and click on the Jellystone Air Park blog. There is a nice story about a Travel Air I recently came in contact with while on vacation. I hope you enjoy the story.    

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

North Pole Airport Expanded Operations

In case anyone missed these charts during the Holiday Season, I thought I'd post them up for viewing. The North Pole Village Airport has expanded their operations center, and there are now some very specific rules and regulations that we must adhere to. Note the Cautions and Notes on the 12-25 RNAV (GPS) RWY 18 page. There are also new restrictions on page 2 under the Additional Runway Information page, so please be advised.  I hope you all had a Great Holiday Season, and may you have a Healthy and Prosperous 2014.