Well, I was rummaging through the Safety Pilot's treasure trough of stuff again, and came up with this little gem. This is the very First pay check that I received for services rendered; note the Pilot Fee notation. For the low low price of just a dollar a jumper, I was paid $11 on my first day.
I flew four flights that day consisting of three flights of four passengers and one of three passengers.
Now,... I know your scratching you heads right now trying to figure out whether my math is off, and I'll bet that you're even talking to the computer, trying to tell me in your own words "Hey EG, ya big dope - or least I know the Not So is, that three flights of four and one flight of three far exceeds $11.
The catch is, and I even didn't understand it until I got my first check, but as it turns out, I wasn't getting paid for the Jump-master which accompanies each flight. But I figured that; where else could I get a half hour of flight time for each flight, and get Short-field takeoff experience associated with power-lines at one end and high trees at the other and get paid for it too.
So I stuck around for the weekend flying all summer. And NO, I never tried it. Why jump out of a perfectly good airplane, even if the engine quits.
I flew four flights that day consisting of three flights of four passengers and one of three passengers.
Now,... I know your scratching you heads right now trying to figure out whether my math is off, and I'll bet that you're even talking to the computer, trying to tell me in your own words "Hey EG, ya big dope - or least I know the Not So is, that three flights of four and one flight of three far exceeds $11.
The catch is, and I even didn't understand it until I got my first check, but as it turns out, I wasn't getting paid for the Jump-master which accompanies each flight. But I figured that; where else could I get a half hour of flight time for each flight, and get Short-field takeoff experience associated with power-lines at one end and high trees at the other and get paid for it too.
So I stuck around for the weekend flying all summer. And NO, I never tried it. Why jump out of a perfectly good airplane, even if the engine quits.